What's New

Paintings Now AvailableCurrent paintings that are soon to be made available for sale can found be in the gallery. For sale from the middle of October 2008.Gallery Link Visit the upcoming paintings gallery, to view paintings currently in the design stage.

Can One Painting Change the World?

Can art play a significant part in how we think and act in the world in which we live?

Here is one artist who believes it can.

How powerful can art be in initiating change? Could it be possible that at a moment we least expect, a work of art emerges that could do just that?

This artist believes it has.

Greg Gillespie‚ abstract expressionist painter, creator of visions that challenge our comfort zones brings this challenge to you.

High contrast imagery that moves in natural flows, compliment a carefully chosen palette of colours that hold deep significance and symbolism that reaches out far beyond the depiction of physically recognisable objects.

All of this arises from a subconscious, pseudo-rational placement of colour, tones and shapes, that reveal deep thoughts to the viewer.

Welcome to one such challenging moment.

The Younique Project

In line with the forthcoming launch of Greg's current (inaugural) body of work, comes the Younique Project.

As each individual is unique on this planet, Greg’s work is designed to help people understand their life can make a difference to the world in a far-reaching positive way that many people underestimate.